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CHAPTER 8: Section 5(e) Changes

Administrative delineation of correspondence agreed by ten sanctions committee Chairs

15 September 2016

On 27 July 2016, the permanent representatives of all ten elected members of the Security Council, as Chairs of Security Council sanctions committees, sent a joint letter to the Council President . . .

Council terminates Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia sanctions regimes and related committees

10 June 2016

On 28 April 2016, the Security Council adopted resolution 2283 (2016), by which it decided to terminate, with immediate effect, the remaining restrictions which applied in relation to Côte d’Ivoire . . .

Note by the President on the Council’s subsidiary organs

24 March 2016

On 22 February 2016, the Security Council issued a Note by the President on the work of the Council’s subsidiary organs (S/2016/170) . . .

Expansion of the mandate of Al-Qaida sanctions committee to include ISIL

11 January 2016

On 17 December 2015, the Council adopted resolution 2253 (2015), by which it decided that the list of individuals and entities affiliated with Al-Qaida and subject to targeted sanctions would be expanded to include individuals and entities affiliated with ISIL . . .

Maritime transportation sector compliance with sanctions regimes

4 March 2015

On 15 January 2015, the representatives of Australia and Singapore submitted to the Security Council President a report on a symposium for the shipping and maritime transportation sector which their countries co-hosted in Singapore on 12 September 2014 . . .

Briefings by sanctions committee Chairs at public meetings

14 December 2014

In 2014, although many Chairs of sanctions committees have continued to give their periodic briefings in informal consultations of the whole, several such briefings have taken place at public meetings.  These have included . . .

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