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CHAPTER 7: Section 4 Changes

Trends in the manner of adopting Statements by the President

9 February 2020

In deciding whether or not to read out a particular PRST in full, Council members, and especially Council Presidents, must in each case prioritize either the interests of making more widely known the exact provisions of a presidential statement or the need to manage a very charged work programme . . .

Presidential statements adopted in 2015 which contain mandatory language

11 January 2016

During 2015, the Security Council adopted several presidential statements which contain mandatory language . . .

Dissociation by Venezuela from a presidential statement on Syria

18 August 2015

On 17 August 2015, the Security Council adopted a presidential statement supporting the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Syria.  Thereafter, the representative of Venezuela remarked that “While it did not block the adoption of presidential statement S/PRST/2015/15 and joined in the consensus”, his delegation did not subscribe to paragraphs 8 and 10 of the statement, and was dissociating from them . . .

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