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CHAPTER 4: Section 3 Changes

For 2024, the Security Council completes annual review of its agenda items

Council allows deletion of Guinea-Bissau item, signalling it has concluded its consideration, though contradictorily it maintains a sanctions regime and Committee

15 March 2024

On 4 March 2024, an update was published of the Summary Statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized indicating the retention, by request, of 14 older items which had been subject to deletion, and the

deletion of the Guinea-Bissau agenda item despite the fact that the Council retains a related sanctions regime

and Committee . . .

For 2023, the Security Council completes its annual review of its agenda items

1 March 2023

On 6 March 2023, an update will be published of the Summary statement of matters of which the Security Council is

seized which will indicate the results of the Council’s annual review of this important list of its agenda items,

including the deletion of two items  . . .

Use of the ‘umbrella’ item ‘Maintenance of international peace and security’ for thematic debates

28 November 2022

In order to keep its Summary Statement as streamlined as possible, the Council uses specific agenda items for

thematic issues that are considered most regularly at formal meetings, and convenes other thematic meetings

under the general ‘umbrella’ agenda item, ‘Maintenance of international peace and security’ . . .

How the Security Council uses the “umbrella” agenda item “Peace and security in Africa”

30 July 2022

Beginning in 1997, the Security Council has developed a practice of using a general "umbrella" agenda item for
certain matters relating to Africa when the Council has deemed it advisable not to adopt a specific, targeted

agenda item . . .

For 2022, the Security Council completes its annual review of its agenda items

12 March 2022

On 7 March 2022, an update was published of the Summary statement of matters of which the Security Council is

seized which indicated the results of the Council’s annual review of this important list of its agenda items,

including the deletion of one item  . . .

For 2021, Security Council completes annual review of its agenda items
29 March 2021

On 8 March 2021, an update was published of the Summary statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized which indicated that 14 agenda items subject to deletion were being retained for one year, and that three other items had been deleted . . .

Security Council is unable to meet formally on DPRK human rights situation for 3rd year in a row
31 December 2020

On 11 December 2020, the Security Council considered the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea under “Other matters” during a Closed VTC, after China and the Russian Federation opposed holding the discussion as an Open VTC . . .

For 2019, Security Council completes annual review of its agenda items

11 March 2019

On 4 March 2019, the Security Council issued an update indicating the results of its annual review of the Summary statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized, an increasingly valuable resource for devising compromises when taking up new situations . . .

The Security Council’s review of its Summary Statement in 2018

19 March 2018

The first Summary Statement issued in January 2018 listed 16 agenda items which were subject to deletion because they had not been considered at a formal Council meeting during the prior three-year period . . . 

By presidential note, Council decides to create a new agenda item for ICTY/ICTR issues

Updated on 19 March 2018

In light of the fact that both the ICTY and ICTR had completed their work, on 2 February 2018, the Security Council issued a presidential note deciding that relevant issues would thereafter be considered under the item “International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals” . . .

Compromise on agenda item paves way for Council’s consideration of civil unrest in Iran

14 January 2018

On 5 January 2018, upon the initiative of the United States, the Security Council met to consider civil unrest in Iran.  Rather than adopting a new, specific agenda item, the Council met under the existing general item, “The situation in the Middle East” . . .

Fourth procedural vote on DPRK human rights agenda item

26 December 2017

In a letter to the Security Council President dated 1 December 2017, nine Council members requested, pursuant to Rule 2 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure, that the Council convene to consider the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea . . .

The Security Council’s monthly meetings on the Middle East

6 June 2017

The practice of holding a monthly meeting on “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question” – the Council’s official agenda item for the situation between the Palestinians and Israel – dates back to the year 2002 . . .

The Security Council’s review of its Summary Statement in 2017

16 March 2017

The Summary Statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized issued in early January 2017 listed 16 agenda items which were subject to deletion, because they had not been considered at a formal Council meeting during the prior 3-year period . . .

Third procedural vote on DPRK human rights agenda item

8 January 2017

In a letter to the Security Council President dated 1 December 2016, nine Council members requested, pursuant to Rule 2 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure, that the Council convene to consider the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea . . .

The situation in Jammu and Kashmir and the Security Council

Revised on 16 August 2019

Three items relating to India and Pakistan remain on the Summary Statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized: “The India-Pakistan question”, “The Hyderabad question”, and “The situation in the India/Pakistan subcontinent” . . .

The Council’s review of its Summary Statement in 2016

14 March 2016

The Summary Statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized which was issued on 4 January 2016 listed 16 agenda items which were subject to deletion . . .

Council agenda items relating to peacekeeping and peace operations

31 December 2015

When the Council met on 20 November 2015 to consider the report of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations and the related report of the Secretary-General, it did so under the agenda item, “‘Maintenance of international peace and security” . . .

Second procedural vote on DPRK human rights agenda item

17 December 2015

In a letter to the Security Council President dated 3 December 2015, nine Council members requested that the Council convene again to consider the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) . . .

Decision by resolution to delete “Non-proliferation” agenda item in 10 years’ time

19 August 2015

On 20 July 2015, the Council broke new ground by including in a resolution a provision for deleting an agenda item from the Summary Statement at a specified future time . . .

Landmark deletions of agenda items from the Summary Statement

11 April 2015

Through the 2015 review processs, ten agenda items have been deleted from the Summary Statement in light of the fact that no requests for their retention were received . . .

Procedural vote on new DPRK agenda item

2 January 2015

By a letter to the Council President dated 5 December 2014, ten Security Council members requested that “the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea be formally placed on the Council’s agenda . . .

Sudanese agenda item reformulated to include South Sudan

1 November 2014

On 11 November 2013, by a Note by the President (S/2013/657), the Security Council decided that “issues pertaining to the Sudan and South Sudan, including the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and Council resolution 2046 (2012) . . .

Statement in meetings that the Council “remains seized of the matter” discontinued

12 December 2015

Beginning with the Presidency of France in December 2013, a Council President no longer states at the conclusion of a meeting that the Council remains seized of a matter . . .

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The Procedure of the UN Security Council, 4th Edition is available at Oxford University Press in the UK and USA. 

The Procedure of the UN Security
Council, 4th Edition

ISBN: 978-0-19-968529-5


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