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CHAPTER 2: Section 9 Changes

A 1969 comic book features Superman at the UN, where things start poorly but turn positive at the end

12 September 2020

Superman stuns everyone by toppling all the national flags at the United Nations and then raising his own flag on the UN flagpole.  The Secretary-General tells him he must answer to the Security Council . . .

A 1968 Superman comic book features the United Nations

20 May 2020

In response to an appeal by the Los Angeles chapter of the UNA-USA, many comic books published stories set at the UN in order to promote interest in the Organisation among young Americans . . .

"Dennis the Menace visits the United Nations" and "Career Girl" finds both a job and love at the UN

23 February 2020

In 1979, a comic book was devoted to a visit to the UN by Dennis the Menace to promote the International Year of the Child . . .

"Yogi Bear Visits the U.N."

8 December 2019

After many requests, we are making available ‘Yogi Bear Visits the U.N.’  It’s from 1961 & full of inappropriate stereotypes, but parts of it are still fun!

Germany convenes meeting in Chamber with open curtains, after decades of caution owing to 1964 bazooka firing

3 April 2019

On 3 April 2019, in a striking symbol of transparency, the German Security Council presidency convened two back-to-back meetings in the Council Chamber with the curtains fully open . . . 

The Security Council’s iconic horseshoe-shaped table

Updated on 6 June 2017

On 16 November 2016, an incident occurred in the Security Council Chamber which highlighted the reverence that some Member States accord to the Council’s iconic horseshoe-shaped table . . .

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The Procedure of the UN Security Council, 4th Edition is available at Oxford University Press in the UK and USA. 

The Procedure of the UN Security
Council, 4th Edition

ISBN: 978-0-19-968529-5


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